Be Confident in Your Smile


Cosmetic dentistry is a rapidly evolving mix of art and science. Advances in technology and treatment protocols now mean that every individual can have the beautiful smile they have always wanted.

Our cosmetic dentists Dr. Trey Miller and Dr. Clinton Esler regularly perform comprehensive smile makeovers to achieve smiles worthy of Hollywood. In fact, the dental laboratory we are networked within California for porcelain veneers is the same one that several Beverly Hills celebrity dentists use.

From your first appointment in the Smile Makeovers process, you will see that our protocol takes into account your facial appearance, skin tone, hair color, and lip characteristics, as well as your muscles and jaw joints to come up with your own “Perfect Smile” built into your ideal bite. Everything ends up working in harmony just like a beautiful piece of artwork!

Why should consider a smile makeover?

The key component of a Smile Makeover is the treatment plan that we construct together. We create an individualized roadmap and plan for each guest, meaning that you will not undergo any unnecessary or repetitive treatments while in pursuit of your desired smile. When tried and true protocols are followed within the framework of meticulous planning, the result is a beautiful, functional, and life-changing experience that you will be glad you did for decades to come.

What can a smile makeover repair?

We can use a Smile Makeover to improve any of the following issues:

  • Discolored teeth

  • Misaligned teeth

  • Gaps between teeth

  • Lost teeth

  • Teeth that are chipped, cracked, uneven, or worn down

What procedures can you expect during a smile makeover?

A smile makeover usually involves a mix of the following cosmetic treatments:

  • Teeth Whitening

  • Veneers

  • Crowns

  • Tooth-colored composite bonding

  • Bridges

  • Dental Implants

If you are considering a Smile Makeover, the earlier the better to give yourself the gift of a Perfect Smile that will light up rooms for decades to come.

To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services, contact our office and request a consultation.

Advanced Dentistry of Amarillo is proud to serve patients in Amarillo, Canyon, Dalhart and the surrounding Texas Panhandle.


Mercury-Free Dental Fillings


Get Whiter Teeth to Smile Over